Musiktheater Linz 1998



For the Opera House project in 1998, the City of Linz had selected a “plot without a base area”. An area was designated between the Danube, the expressway and the steeply rising Schlossberg mountain, which made extensive construction underground, within the mountain and in the existing tunnel system necessary. We proposed a project located slightly off the designated building plot. As specified, the main volumes are located within the mountain. However, the essential interest in the project was to open up the ground volume and to technically reconstruct the surface thus destroyed. The project was an attempt to remodel the lost configuration of the surface. Paths and trails were turned into steel frameworks spanning more than 60 meters; the rock surface was traced using technical grids and transparent membranes.


Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator

Helmuth Locher
Tragwerksplanung | Structural design
Josef Daller
Fachplanung Bergbau und Tunnelbau | Consulting engineers for tunneling and mining
Ökologie und Energietechnik | Ecology and energy technology
Werner Silbermayr
Kostenberechnungen | Cost calculations
Karl Bernd Quiring
Akustik | Acoustics
Verkehrsplanung | Traffic planning
Theater- und Veranstaltungstechnik | Theater and event engineering
Basics 22/2
Musiktheater Linz 1998 Grundlagen 1
The site is underground, located in the Schlossberg mountain in Linz directly next to and beneath the castle. The opera house was planned as an underground building. Existing tunnel systems were part of the project.  
Das Bauareal ist unterirdisch und liegt im Linzer Schlossberg direkt neben und unter dem Schloss. Das Musiktheater war als unterirdisches Gebäude geplant. Bestehende Tunnelsysteme waren Teil des Projekts.  
Musiktheater Linz 1998 Grundlagen 3
Material is excavated from the volume of the Schlossberg mountain. The project - in other words, the functional assessment - is carried out as a reconstruction of volume and surface.  
Aus dem Volumen des Schlossberg wird Material entnommen. Das Projekt - die funktionale Bewertung also - wird als Rekonstruktion von Volumen und Oberfläche durchgeführt.  
Musiktheater Linz 1998 Grundlagen skizz
"Retracing" and "remodelling" the site  
"Nachzeichnen" und "Nachmodellieren" des Areals.  
Models 43/4
Musiktheater Linz 1998 Modelle 4a
Reconstruction of the site's surface, stick model  
Rekonstruktion der Oberfläche des Areals, Stabmodell.  
Musiktheater Linz 1998 Modelle 1
Sketch model with existing tunnel structure  
Skizzenmodell mit bestehendem Tunnelbauwerk.  
Musiktheater Linz 1998 Modelle 2
Reconstruction of the volume excavated from the mountain, interspersed with circulation elements  
Rekonstruktion des entnommenen Bergvolumens mit Erschließungselementen durchsetzt.  
Musiktheater Linz 1998 Modelle 3
Reconstruction of the site's surface and paths, surface model  
Rekonstruktion der Oberfläche und der Wege des Areals, Flächenmodell.  
Site 11/1
Musiktheater Linz 1998 Bauplatz 01
"Retraced, remodelled terrain" in the environment model  
"Nachgezeichnetes, nachmodelliertes Gelände" im Umgebungsmodell  