
Wolfgang Tschapeller is an architect working in Vienna. He was born in Dölsach, East Tyrol, initially trained as a carpenter, and studied architecture at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Wolfgang Tschapeller has taught as a visiting professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, the University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria, and the State University of New York in Buffalo, as well as other academic institutions. In 2004/2005, he was the McHale Fellow at the State University of New York in Buffalo. From 2005 to 2023, he has been a professor of architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and from 2012 to 2023 he has been the head of the Institute of Art and Architecture. 

Major projects include the BVA 1, 2 and 3 series for the Vienna headquarters of the Austrian Insurance Fund for Public Employees, the design for the construction of a hotel in the Schwarzenberg Palace Garden in Vienna and the European Cultural Centre between the Palatine Chapel and the city hall in Aachen, Germany. In 1998 and 2006, he worked on projects for the Linz Opera House, in 2010 on the project for the Centre for Promotion of Science in Belgrade, and in 2012 on a project for the University of Applied Arts Vienna. The administrative building of the municipal authority in Murau, Austria, completed in 2002, and the St. Joseph House (2007) embody some of his quintessential ideas.

The projects of Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT-GmbH have been shown in in 2012, 2010, 2006, 2004 at the Architecture Biennial in Venice, in 2012 at the Austrian Pavilion of the Architecture Biennial in Venice, in 2008 at the exhibition New Trends of Architecture in Europe and Asia-Pacific in Tokyo and 2010 in Istanbul, as part of the exhibition Sculptural Architecture in Austria at the National Art Museum of China in 2006, at the Aedes East gallery in 2006, at the Aedes West gallery in 2004 and at the Architecture Biennial in Sao Paulo in 2003.

Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH was founded in 2007, with Wolfgang Tschapeller as its principal. In 2012 the branch office Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH Belgrade has been opened. With March 2020 Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH was converted to Wolfgang Tschapeller Architect.

In 2020 the EUROPEAN PRIZE FOR ARCHITECTURE was awarded to Wolfgang Tschapeller.


IDSA - Linz, Institute For Digital Sciences Austria
2 Phase Competition, Honorable Mention

Reitschule Grafenegg,
Rudolf Buchbinder Saal,
Competition project, 2nd prize

Energie Steiermark
Competition project, 1st prize

European Prize for Architecture

Tegetthoffbrücke Graz,
Competition project,1st prize

Andreas Hofer Platz
Competition project, 3rd prize

University of Applied Arts, Vienna,
International competition, 1st prize

Centre for Promotion of Science, Belgrade
International competition, 1st prize
Med Campus, Graz
International competition, 3rd prize

Wallpaper Design Awards, Best Private House
Nominee, St. Joseph House

European Cultural Centre Aachen, Bauhaus Europe
Competition project, 1st prize
Linz Opera House, competition project, 3rd prize

Hotel in the Schwarzenberg Palace Garden
International competition, 1st prize

Mies van der Rohe Award, nomination for Murau

Building Contractor Prize of the Central Association of Austrian Architects

Architecture Award of the Austrian Cement and Concrete Industry

Architecture Award of the Province of Styria